My boys were not too excited about doing sports camp again this vacation. They said that it got boring and the teacher made them walk a lot, and they didn´t do much sport. This amused me as I think a bit of brisk walking is good for everybody, and my number 2 is very lazy. So with this is mind I was still planning to send them for one week at some stage during the whole ridiculous 2 and a half months they have to kill.
However, still on the lookout for a vacation course for my two boys, we were ambling around the plazuela in our pueblito on Sunday and heard a loudspeaker announcing ………. curses de vacaciones ……sport, dance, craft, music. I ran across the plazuela with the boys to investigate. When we passed through the gates I was amazed at the size of the village school – it was like a warehouse with a sports field in the middle and several classrooms leading off it. The late afternoon sun was dropping behind the volcanoes.
Nobody asked me for any money just to fill out my name and age, it was then that I was informed that the courses were only at the weekend. I think they are organised by an NGO of some sort, as there were lots of freshfaced youngsters in white shirts that declared something interesting about Social Cohesion. Well I´m all for a bit of social cohesion.
There was a nice atmosphere and everyone was asking my blond boys to join in their games of football and basketball including my nanny´s children. The boys were too shy to play sport with the big boys but we found tucked away in the corner, a chess room. My oldest has recently been taught by his Papa as a (partly successful) way to keep him away from TV and video games. Immediately. everybody made space for the boys and in seconds my oldest was setting up to play a rather cool looking 15 year old!
He lost both games but it was great to see how hard he was concentrating and he took quite a few of his opponent´s pieces. Very respectable for a 5 year old. The games were quite tense and there were a few people watching.
Meanwhile my young one was in the corner being taught some moves by the younger boys.